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I just want to say thank you for everything! My wife and I haven't had such a fun adventure in years. We never could have experienced Prague culture like this on our own. It was an unforgettably stimulating and at the same time relaxing trip for us, and we will definitely be returning. Bravo!

Thomas R.

Architect, Toronto, Canada


Thank you one and all for a GREAT week in Prague. I've had my ceramics glazed and fired and they look great. My children really loved the clay animation; I'm thinking of entering it in a local contest! I'm back in Doha and enjoying the 40+ centigrade weather here! I'd love to hear from you when you have a chance. Take care and all the best. 

Sue S.

Engineer and Homemaker, Doha, Quatar


I was looking for a vacation experience that would recharge my batteries by immersing me in art and culture, but I didn't have a specific destination or timeline in mind. As soon as I found Artbreak's site via a Google search, I knew it was the right option for me and I booked right away. I was enticed by the ability to experience a variety of art and art methods with real local artists and experts. I liked the idea that I would see a fascinating historic destination through the eyes of locals actually living there, not tour guides with generic knowledge. Plus, Artbreak was just the excuse I needed to finally visit Prague – which I discovered is an amazing place. I'm thrilled I went – Artbreak expanded my horizons and re-energized me creatively by providing a totally unique, personalized, deeply engaging experience that I'll never forget, and look forward to repeating.

Jeff F.

Marketing Consultant, Boston, Massachusetts USA


Of course I will sing your praises!! How could I not?? It was an absolutely wonderful week!

Fran G.

Attorney, New York City, New York, USA


Greetings! Finally got my photos sorted and loaded. I just started a new job (same company but a new group) after coming back from Prague. Certainly have spread the words about Artbreak to my friends and coworkers :) Thanks for taking care of everything and creating such a wonderful program. Let's keep in touch.

Michelle M.

IT Engineer, San Francisco, California, USA


Thank you again for all your help. Artbreak truly vastly surpassed my anticipations. The environment of the hotel inside and out was quite enjoyable; comfortable, spacious rooms (with fully modern wc!), extensive breakfast selections, close enough to be quite convenient to get anywhere in town, but with the perimeter of green in the immediate vicinity to meet the desire for peace and quiet. Klara's atelier was a delightful space in which to explore our creativity, and the folks who led us in our explorations were all so knowledgeable, encouraging, and flexible in helping us and satisfying our desires and curiosities. The evening events seemed quite carefully chosen, one more enjoyable and engaging than the next, varied and each excellent in its own right. Our tours through the town and galleries helped to broaden and deepen our appreciation of the city and its artistic and architectural uniqueness. The shared meals were convivial and fun, with none more delectable and artistic than the last! In retrospect, I am glad that we had a day before and after the scheduled events, to acclimate to the city before, and after, to pursue things we hadn't had an opportunity to get to during the very full and engaging week. Of course the city itself is a wonder; but I doubt if I would have come to love it so if not for the experience you and Doug have so carefully, thoroughly and lovingly crafted.
 Sorry to be so long-winded here – just wanted to provide that testimonial I promised, with enough detail to satisfy the nit-pickiest of potential customers! The very best to you and your family, and to Doug and you in your most excellent work.

Mary Ann F.

Chiropractor, Palo Alto, California, USA


First of all thanks for your help and the superb opportunity I have had to learn about arts and Prague. I am not an artist but I think the teachers had a high level, and they were very flexible to your interests and knowledge. What I appreciated the most is the complementary view of Prague through the arts that I have never had before when visiting a city.

Miguel S.

Marketing Analyst, Madrid, Spain


I just want to again thank you for a wonderful week. I have told friends that, of all the vacations I have taken that included art this was by far the best! Anytime you want to use me as a reference, feel free. I have thought a lot about your model, and think you have a real future in expanding it. By the way, what was the name of the concert we attended the last night? Again, thanks, and you are both always welcome to visit in SF.

Sandra M.

Governmental Affairs Consultant, San Francisco, California, USA


I so thoroughly enjoyed my time in Prague. I wish I had had a few more days there, or a week more! I have never heard such a stunning Carmina Burana. And Eva Muilu's Vermiculus dance performance at Ponec Theatre was over the top. I have continued working on my collage. I spent two days on it in Prague, and one day on it here at home. It's now 5' long and not finished. I have ideas for some more collages. But I am making art almost every day and am feeling quite energized and creative.

The moment I saw the small print ad for Artbreak in Prague, I was intrigued. So much so that I interrupted my work, walked downstairs to my laptop to explore the Artbreak web site. Then I was thrilled. What a concept for foreign travel! Making art in the morning, walking to see art and architecture in the afternoon, and sitting to watch art performances in the evening: creative, informative, stimulating. Making, walking, sitting. I was captivated before I even departed the U.S.

Nothing disappointed (except maybe the heat wave). The hotel was wonderful in every way: the art, the rooms, the staff, the breakfast. Muddum, our art campus, was a delight: small, simple, and sufficient. A variety of teachers came in each day, so we met Prague-based artists, and we created. Something about the structure, content, locale, teachers, and/or participants of Artbreak, I don’t know what exactly, but easily we put aside our adult hesitations and fear of failure and plunged in. Within minutes it seemed the teachers and students alike were creating, sometimes together, often singly. I loved working on my own projects, completely absorbed, surrounded by the also absorbed fellowship of participants. But none of us too absorbed to be part of the fellowship. Then lunch, and an afternoon outing, always a different adventure exploring the city, its galleries, museums, and expositions. Then dinner and another adventure exploring the city, its cultural nightlife. Sure, I was a tourist, but with a unique focus. A tourist with a combination of a traveler’s and native’s view of Prague. Artbreak was perfect: no mail, no phone, no children/siblings/parents/neighbors. A new, small group of like-minded people, not just the participants but also the organizers.

The way the art-making is structured guarantees that everyone will have fun, from the untutored to the accomplished: Art for everyone! The instructional emphasis is a factual introduction to the day’s media and process, with virtually no instructions on aesthetics, content, or style. This works well, because the hidden message is you know you will not be judged.

Here is what stands out for me: overcoming insecurity about making art in front of strangers; making art in silent companionship with people who moments ago were strangers and who are now on the same adventure; the perfect balance of the travelers’ opposites – discovery on your own and a peek into the insiders’ world. Ponec Theatre’s young choreographer/dancers blew me away! I would NEVER have found this on my own, in Prague or here at home. Fantastic. The last night of the Czech Philharmonic's season, fourth row center seats for a knock-your-socks-off Carmina Burana. This has not left me.

Maryly S.

Artist and retired Librarian, Berkeley, California, USA


The trip was wonderful and I have so many wonderful memories and I appreciate all that you and Richard did for Judy and I. I have traveled a lot and this trip ranks high on my enjoyment scale.

Janice S.

RN, MS, New York City, New York, USA


Hi Douglas & Richard, I am back into the routine of life, but the memories of Prague and Artbreak are still very much with me. Thank you both for a lifetime experience. You were gracious hosts and your care and planning were much appreciated.

Susan H.

CPA, Princeton, New Jersey, USA

Next artbreak™


  • In retrospect, I am glad that we had a day before and after the scheduled events, to acclimate to the city before, and after, to pursue things we hadn't had an opportunity to get to.

    Manuel J.
    Financial Analyst, Salamanca, Spain
  • I'm thrilled I went – Artbreak expanded my horizons and re-energized me creatively by providing a totally unique, personalized, deeply engaging experience that I'll never forget.

    Jeff F.
    Marketing Consultant, Boston, Massachusetts USA
  • The trip was wonderful and I have so many wonderful memories and I appreciate all that you did for Judy and I. I have traveled a lot and this trip ranks high on my enjoyment scale.

    Janice S.
    RN, MS, New York City, USA
  • Of all the vacations I have taken that included art this was by far the best! Anytime you want to use me as a reference, feel free.

    Sandra M.
    Governmental Affairs Consultant, San Francisco, California, USA
  • Here is what stands out for me: overcoming insecurity about making art in front of strangers; making art in companionship with people who are now on the same adventure.

    Maryly S.
    Artist and retired Librarian, Berkeley, California, USA
  • Of course I will sing your praises!! How could I not?? It was an absolutely wonderful week!

    Fran G.
    Attorney, New York City, New York, USA
  • Thank you one and all for a GREAT week in Prague. I’ve had my ceramics glazed and fired and they look great. My children really loved the clay animation. 

    Sue S.
    Engineer and Homemaker, Doha, Quatar
  • The perfect balance of the travelers’ opposites – discovery on your own and a peek into the insiders’ world. I would NEVER have found this on my own.

    Maryly S.
    Artist and retired Librarian, Berkeley, California, USA
  • Of course the city itself is a wonder; but I doubt if I would have come to love it so if not for the experience you and Doug have so carefully, thoroughly and lovingly crafted.

    Mary Ann F.
    Chiropractor, Palo Alto, California, USA
  • Memories of Artbreak are still very much with me. Thank you both for a lifetime experience. You were gracious hosts and your care and planning were much appreciated.

    Susan H.
    Princeton, New Jersey, USA
  • My wife and I haven’t had such a fun adventure in years. We never could have experienced Prague culture like this on our own. It was an unforgettably stimulating and at the same time relaxing trip for us. Bravo!

    Thomas R.
    Architect, Toronto, Canada


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